We live in an unprecedented time in the history of mankind. The world has been filled and conquered by the sons of Adam just as God had commanded. Civilization has touched the four corners of the globe and Christianity has too. Yet there are still less than 30% of the world who call themselves followers of Christ. And of these 30% a fraction truly are acquainted with the living God. It stands to reason, the greater majority of the world will plummet into hell on that fearful day of God's judgement. Christ has foretold this "for wide is the way that leads to destruction and many go in by it, but narrow is the way that leads to life and few there be that find it." Here we stand on the brink of eternity yet few are aware or concerned for this fact. We humans are lulled to sleep so easily by the basic duties of life we forget our lives brevity. We are entertained to death and content with easy meditations and shun these sober thoughts. We forget that one day we will stand before the Most High and give an account for the things done in the body and every idle word we have spoken. Let this reality grip your heart and wrest your soul. For this reason I take up pen.
Do not shrink from seriously considering this life and the next. The spiritual realities of God, of life, of judgement, of grace and deliverance from the judgement through faith in Jesus. these eternal questions brood in the hearts of men. "Is there a God? Will I enter heaven? Is there a hell? Is there forgiveness? Must I trust in Jesus to attain immortality?" Your answer to these questions will determine your destiny. For this reason, at the outset of this blog I emphatically state that the approach taken here in will unapologetically deliver truths derived from scripture as fact - not mere opinion. Second to this I will relate truths and lessons that I have observed or learned through experience, though not authoritative I hope to lend an aid to the Christian pilgrims of this world as we journey into eternity.
These are times that try men's souls. As our Lord uttered once "To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God.". I pray my writing will aid you, or at least shine a dim lamp amidst the dense fog of this age. This life is a moment, a fleeting breath. It is as if tomorrow we will meet the Lord. Do not shrink from his call, but join me in taking up the cross and following Christ.
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