Sunday, 15 June 2014

The Nihilists Rant

Something intangible permeates life. The hum in a mans heart, every pointless day, trying to make sense of things.  Trying to attach some purpose to the series of events that unfold in our ever so regular days.  Frequently, they meld into one blur.  The 9 to 5 grind.  It devours us.  Days come and go.  We work to live, and live to work and then die.

Purpose.  What purpose is there though besides survival?  This world pursues 3 things: sex, money and power.  All are appropriate if moderated, but if not, they are the causation of all pain and injustice in the universe.  The most dangerous word I mentioned though was 'pursue'.  Ambition.  Touted as the greatest virtue amongst almost all classes and creeds of men.  The ambition of man has destroyed so much.  Soaring to tantalizing heights on the backs of others.  Dog eat dog.  Welcome to life.

I am a disillusioned soul.  We live in an universal plutocracy .  The rich have and always will rule at the expense of the poor majority and there is nothing anyone can do to stop this. Forget politics.  Let them have their dose of power and wealth.  Give me shelter and food and I will be content.  "Whom have I in heaven but You?  And on earth there is nothing I desire besides You? My flesh and my heart may fail me, but you oh God are the strength of my heart and my portion forever!" - Psalm 73

The things of this world are meaningless and bland.  If I didn't know Christ I would have taken my leave from this worlds stage long ago.  Without God - life has no point, no meaning and is of no use.  Especially for common folk.  The herd.  Luckily this is not reality.  Reality is, God. Christ brought light to what it is to be human.  To love God with all we have and love our neighbour.  Life will end, but really, that is just the beginning.  Death is liberty from this life and body to be with Christ.  We must endure to the end though for the glory of God.  As Micah 6:8 states "He has shown you oh man what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do good, to love kindness and mercy; and to humble yourself and walk humbly with your God".

Walk with God.  Sometimes life will seem pointless, sometimes you will feel like you have no influence or impact - live  life anyway, talk anyway. Your reward, as a Christian, is from God alone.  Work under His watchful eye, preach for the audience of one. "Why do you fear man who can only kill the body?" asked Christ.  "I tell you who you should fear, fear God who has the power to kill both body and soul in hell". Fear God not man. Life is a limited commodity.  Immortality belongs to those truly acquainted with Christ but not the majority that don't.  Preach the gospel by any means. That Christ died to save sinners.  This message alone is the reason we breath.  Nothing else matters while billions are en-route to an eternal hell.  No time invested in God is wasted.  In fact, only the time invested in God is worth any value at all. Peace.

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